Mary Beth York is recognized globally as a makeup artist, spa developer and the creator of her signature line of cosmetics, Beauty Ammo. Her makeup kits have become staples on the sets of shows such as Desperate Housewives, One Tree Hill, Dancing with the Stars and The E! Network. Her products have earned her accolades from celebrities such as Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Jenny McCarthy and Kelly Rippa. Having trained many of the top makeup artists in Hollywood, it’s no surprise that M.B.’s Beauty Ammo kit is often referred to as "Hollywood’s Secret Weapon".
Mary Beth has a passion for fashion and beauty products, and is inspired by teaching women how to empower themselves through recreating the latest beauty trends for themselves at home. As an animal activist, environmentalist and vegetarian, M.B. York is promoting her "Abundant Living" concept. This holistic project includes original multi-media content encompassing cooking segments, with 5 Star Valley Chefs, celebrity styling, home decor as well as beauty and anti-aging. M.B. will divulge all of her natural yet glam beauty secrets.
Expert Q & A with M.B. York
Q: What do you love most about what you do?
A: I love the creative process. Makeup is the art of transformation, and I love enhancing women's natural beauty and making them glow! It is so much fun to see the increased confidence in my clients that comes from looking more vibrant.
Q: What is the most important piece of makeup advice you would give people?
A: Prepping the skin with the right moisturizer, foundation and primer is the most important part of the makeup application. When your skin looks great, you need to wear far less makeup and are free to enhance your features with very little extras- as far as an application goes, less is always more.
Q: If someone can only splurge on one product in her makeup regimen, which product would you recommend she choose?
A: Splurging on the right foundation makes skin look its best and is the most important part of the makeup application. After that, I would say my Beauty Ammo Kit. It takes at least 10 years off the eye area, which is the first place that signs of aging usually appear. It also works amazingly well for around the lip area, to cover and conceal lip lines.
Q: Has there been a defining moment is your career as a makeup artist?
A: My most meaningful experiences were when I had the opportunity to introduce and share my practice and products with other Hollywood makeup artists. They get excited because they understand that the simplicity of my products can enhance the techniques that they have been developing and perfecting for years. They appreciate what my products do more than anyone.
I have presented to and trained members of The Hollywood Makeup Artist Union, makeup artists on the set of Dancing With the Stars, as well as attendees at industry trade shows and conventions. Sharing tips, tricks and techniques with my peers and clients has always brought me the most satisfaction.
I love receiving emails and calls from TV and movie sets asking for my products. I was once invited to a set just to train the 10 makeup artists on how to apply my Beauty Ammo Kit. On set were 26 celebrities, including Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Bacon, Martin Sheen, the cast of Glee and more.
Q: How do you determine which are the best makeup products?
A: Most lines have too many options, offering a wide range of colors that don’t make sense for anyone. Most department store lines carry shades of eyeshadows and lipstick that no one should be caught dead in. There is an extremely narrow range of colors that anyone should be using, and that is what sets my line apart. I have simplified the application process by curating the products and colors that work best for everyone. The perfect bronzer, lipstick and shadows.